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Shandong Yours Magic precision mold Co., LTD

TL        :13776245708



URL     :www.ysmzmold.com

ADD    :No. 288-7, Shanhai Road

               Torch High-tech Industrial 

               Development Zone, Weihai 

               City, Shandong Province

【YOURS MAGIC】Plastic mold production management link

2021-04-08 17:02:18

First of all, effective management of product data management, process data management, drawing document management: effective mold product data management, process data management, drawing document management, can ensure the comprehensiveness of the document, the consistency of the drawing version; So that the drawing can achieve effective sharing and effective inquiry and utilization. It can establish a complete file management computer database, collect and use the design drawings accumulated by the design department, scattered, previously scattered and isolated information, and prevent the confusion of 2d and 3d, the confusion of original, variable and maintenance versions, and the inconsistency between 3d models and 2d drawings. The non-standard and chaotic 2d drawing design causes problems that are not easy to be found and corrected in time, resulting in mold modification and rework, or even cancellation, increasing the manufacturing cost of the mold, lengthening the mold manufacturing production cycle, and affecting the delivery period.

Plastic mold

Second, to maintain the consistency and integrity of plastic mold drawings, processing technology, and physical data: through effective, meticulous, strict testing means to ensure the consistency and integrity of mold drawings, processing technology, and physical data.

Third, the design and manufacturing costs of each set of plastic molds must be summarized in a timely manner: by effectively controlling the opening of the work summons of the workshop, effectively managing the scrap of the tool; Through accurate mold structure design, efficient mold parts processing and accurate spare parts testing, the additional cost caused by mold changes and maintenance will be effectively reduced, so as to obtain the actual cost of each set of molds and effectively control the quality of molds.

Fourth, overall planning: the planning, design, processing technology, workshop production, human resources and other information organically organized and integrated together for overall planning, so as to effectively coordinate planning and production, can effectively ensure the quality of plastic molds and delivery on schedule.

Fifth, develop a complete and practical plastic mold production management system: Develop a complete mold production management system to realize the computer information management system of product data management, process data management, plan management and schedule management of mold production management process, including plastic mold production plan formulation, mold design, process formulation, workshop task assignment and product inspection, warehouse management, etc. Make the mold manufacturing and related auxiliary information from the planning to the completion of the delivery can achieve a full range of tracking management.



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