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Shandong Yours Magic precision mold Co., LTD

TL        :13776245708



URL     :www.ysmzmold.com

ADD    :No. 288-7, Shanhai Road

               Torch High-tech Industrial 

               Development Zone, Weihai 

               City, Shandong Province

A brief introduction to plastic blister molds

2021-04-08 17:03:09

Plastic blister mold is a kind of mold that forms some relatively simple plastic products with plastic plate and sheet as raw materials. Its principle is to use vacuum blooming method or compressed air forming method to make the plastic plate and sheet fixed on the concave die or punch deformed under heating and softening and stick on the mold cavity to get the required molding products. Mainly used in some daily necessities, food, toys packaging products production.

Plastic mold

Due to the low pressure during molding, the mold materials are mostly made of cast aluminum or non-metallic materials, and the structure is relatively simple



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