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Shandong Yours Magic precision mold Co., LTD

TL        :13776245708



URL     :www.ysmzmold.com

ADD    :No. 288-7, Shanhai Road

               Torch High-tech Industrial 

               Development Zone, Weihai 

               City, Shandong Province

Plastic blow molding mold is a kind of mold for forming plastic containers

2021-04-08 17:05:54

Plastic blow molding mold is used to form plastic container hollow products (such as beverage bottles, daily chemical supplies and other packaging containers) a mold, blow molding form according to the process principle mainly extrusion blow molding hollow molding, injection blow molding hollow molding, injection extension blow molding hollow molding (commonly known as "injection blow blow"), multi-layer blow molding hollow molding, sheet blow molding hollow molding.

Plastic mold

The equipment corresponding to blow molding of hollow products is usually called plastic blow molding machine, and blow molding is only suitable for the production of hot plastic products. The structure of blow molding mold is relatively simple, and the materials used are mostly made of carbon.



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